Bloemendal M
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Michael Bloemendal

Michael (MIcha) is the eldest son of chazzan Bloemendal.

Six tapes with the Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipur have dedicated pages on the website. Similar the layening (Tora reading) has its own webage.

Chanuka live recording 2016 in RAS synagogue Amsterdam, on motsae Shabbat (Shabbat end). Therefore the hadlakat nerot (lighting of the candles) is after the kadish.
Complete recording



והוא רחום - ברכו
ברכו - שמע
המעביר בניו - עמו ישראל לעד
יראו ענינו
קדיש Chanuka
הדלקת נרות
שיר המעלות

On tape JIC4 from J Cohen starting minute 12:30 till minute 18:00 there is another live recording, this time in Rotterdam with the local coir. This recoding was made at a chupa in the beginning of the 1980's. It starts with half kaddish, using the melody of mincha Yom Kippur. Then Retse, using a melody of Schlossberg/Sirota and finally Shir Hama'alot using a melody by J.M. Japeth.


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