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On this page we bring 23 melodies recorded by various members of the Bonnewit and
Dothan families, distant relatives of Herman Duizend,
who provided these recordings. Read more on this.
Recorded after Aliya, thus in most cases no Ashkenazi pronunciation. The number
in brackets refers to
the list of performers, see below the table.
(1) Joop (Joseef) Dothan (Duizend), uncle of Herman Duizend,
with his wife Alida (Lida) Dothan-Asscher and / or his daughter Rachel Abrahams.
(2) Joseef (Yossi) Dotan (Duizend), grandnephew of
Joop Dothan
(3) Rachel Abrahams, possibly with her daughter Daphna Zoldan
(4) Jaap Bonnewit
(5) Dotan Family
(*) Jaap Bonnewit, melody came from his wife, Netty Bonnewit Vreedenburg. She grew up in an orphanage. From time to time the
board would visit. It was a great honor if a girl was allowed to sing רחם for them.
Eliazer (Leizer) Asscher (1844-1926) had a.o. the following children:
 | Isaac (1873-1943), the grandfather of Joop Asscher |
 | Esther (1874-1936), married to Joseph Duizend; those are Yossi's
grandparents. Yossi was named after this grandfather |
 | Eljakim (Jacques) Asscher (1879-1944), the father of Alida (Lida) Asscher who was married to Joop (Joseef) Dothan
(Duizend). Joop was Herman Duizend's
uncle. |
 | Chief Rabbi Abraham Asscher (1884-1926), who was married to Clara Pinkhof.
Clara Asscher-Pinkhof wrote a.o. children's songs for
the Chagim, sometimes based on the traditional Yom Tov melodies for e.g.
Shir haMa'alot |
Yossi's mother was Rosa Bonnewit, the sister of Jaap.
(**) Three songs from Clara Asscher-Pinkhof:
Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot and Hanukkah were recorded, see table. Translations
to Ivriet of these three songs were made by the family. Yossi Dotan recorded
