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All chazzanim & all material
One of the goals of this website is to collect and safeguard for the future as
many recordings as possible. On this page I list all recordings. Another goal is
to index each recording. That is, however, a lot of work. To avoid anything from
getting lost, I first publish each recording on this page. Over time all
recordings will, בע"ה, be indexed.
 | Moskovits: Dutch chupa and various
chazzanut |
 | J. Sajet: bircat cohanim tape
& indexed including elucidation |
 | S. Elzas (mainly Rotterdam):
 | Shabbat: tape 1a, tape
1b, tape 2a,
tape 2b,
indexed |
 | Yom Tov: tape 3a,
tape 3b, tape
4a, tape 4b,
indexed |
 | Various hazzanut: tape
5a, tape
5b, tape
6a, tape
6b (6b precedes 6a), indexed |
 | Tape 7 ( parts of YK), 8 ( parts of RH) & 9 (morning 2nd day RH)
are indexed on this page tape
7a, tape 7b, tape
8a, tape 9a, tape
9b. Mind tape 7a starts with ברח דודי
for Pesach by A. Israels. |
 | tape 10: Shir hama'alot (explanation
plus 2 melodies), indexed |
 | NLI-recordings
(not indexed) |
 | A record made in 1982 with seven melodies. |
 | Aharon Schuster (Amsterdam): various hazzanut,
stream , stream
2 & indexed |
 | H. Bloemendal (Amsterdam,
chief chazzan RAS synagogue):
 | CD box Tefillot sjebe'al peh (8 CDs) |
 | CD box various melodies & Jewish songs (3 CDs) |
 | Various CDs, records & tapes, all on chazzanut |
 | M. Bloemendal (Amsterdam, RAS synagogue; son of H. Bloemendal ):
 | Yamim noraim: tape 1a, tape
1b, tape 2a, tape
2b, tape 3a, tape
3b, tape 4a,
tape 4b,
tape, tape 5b,
tape 6a, tape
6b & indexed Rosh hashana, Yom
Kipur including elucidation |
 | Tora reading: tape side
1, side
2 & indexed including elucidation
(not yet complete) |
 | M. Godschalk: Shir hama'alot 26 melodies, zemirot for Shabbat 25 melodies: CD & indexed |
 | A. Salomons jr. Unfortunately
the quality of these recordings has deteriorated.
 | tape 1a & tape 1b (Shabbat:
mincha, moesaf , kabbalat shabbat, shacharit). End side a and beginning
side b are corrupted. |
 | ape 2a & tape
2b: Shabbat: ma'ariv, Rosh Hashana: ma'ariv,
shacharit day 1 |
 | tape 3a & tape
3b: Rosh Hashana: shacharit day 1, kadish musaph day 1,
shacharit day 2, musaph, Yom Kipur:
shacharit |
 | tape 4a & tape
4b: Yom Kipur: kol nidre, ne'ila |
 | tape 5a & tape
5b: Yom Kipur: Shacharit, Mincha, Ne'eila (beginning), Musaph,
kadish Mincha |
 | tape 6a & tape
6b: Yom tov: shacharit Pesach Al harishonim, kadish, adon olam,
shocheen ad regalim, kidush, ma'ariv simchat tora, mi sheberach,
anim zemirot |
 | tape 7a & tape
7b: 1st, 2nd day pesach & matnad yad.
Tape 7a has a noise in minutes 2-7. A noise
improved version is available |
 | tape 8a & tape
8b: Megilat Esther, zerok alenu, est haim, barechu, zemirot shabbat,
hamavdil |
 | tape 11a: moesaph
shabbat & shabbat RH |
 | tape 12a various Yom tov.
12b |
 | JI Cohen (1912-2004), Groningen & Rotterdam): interview
1999 by R. Vis and O. Peles, |
 | M Seijfers, chazzan of Rotterdam, tape 1a and
tape 1b, rest form CD Ahawat Olam |
 | Michel Philipson, chazzan in Gouda, Zaandam and 40 years in
Haarlem. |
 | Meijer Mossel (1910 - 1978) chazzan The Hague:
shabbat, chagim & 7 berachot |
 | Jehoeda Mossel sheet music shabbat
& pesach |
 | A. Israels ברח דודי,
כהנים ימים
נוראים |
 | S. Waterman מעריב
פורים |
 | M. de Wolf:
 | I. van Creveld: chazzanut The Hague:
 | A.
Van Leeuwen collection (1927-2004) Utrecht, various chazzanim: van
Leeuwen, Modijefsky, Mossel,
Caneel, de
Haas & unknown |
 | Harry Duizend, (1910- 1983) recorded 1975: Rosh Hashana
& Yom Kipur |
 | Shir hama'alot: 11 melodies J Asscher |
 | Shir hama'alot 6 melodies & zemirot Shabbat 2 melodies Herman
Berach dodi 1st
day of Pesach |
 | Shir Hama'alot according to Hamburg
tradition |
 | Many recording, taken from the NLI
collection: Dasberg,
Perath, Staal,
Creveld, Elzas,
L. Israels, S.
Israels, Peles (Vleesschouwer) |
 | Bonnewit-Dotan Shir hama'alot
and some melodies |
 | Rotterdam melodies, recorded December 2020:
 | M. van Dijk: Baruch Haba
and Hanerot Halalu.
In December 1961, a shul choir was founded in Rotterdam on the occasion of the service for the
300th anniversary. Under the direction of chazzan Max
Seijffers, above melodies for Baruch Haba and Hanerot Halalu were rehearsed. The service was broadcasted on television, the first direct Jewish broadcast in the Netherlands.
Later the choir also sang Baroech Habba during chupot. |
 | C. Filarski: Hanerot
halalu, melody from Jaap & Nico Engelsman, who lived in
Rotterdam till end 1950s. |
 | Barend Cohen: Bircat
cohanim and mincha
during Chupa
Barend Cohen, chazzan in Leiden (1955-1966), additionally educator to children of the Leiden Jewish community, member of the Achawah Jewish religious teachers union, received groups in the synagogue to tell them about Judaism and held relations with clergy of other faiths in Leiden.
Educated in his native town Leeuwarden by chief cantor Salomon Sitters. After the Shoa and before moving to Leiden acts as chazzan in Leeuwarden. After Leiden acted as stand in chazzan in several places without a permanent chazzan such as Winterswijk, Emmen and Rotterdam. |
 | Chazzan
Marcel Lang, Bazel: Oevenoecho
Yomar, Rosh
Chodesj-benshen, En
Kelohenoe |
 | H Groenewoudt, rabbi of the Asmtelveen synagogue rerecorded
some 'local' melodies:
חיים, האוחז,
לארצך, הורם,
... לא הביט, היום
תאמצנו |
 | Daniel Colthof - Chazzanut Groningen |
 | Recordings by Max van Praag at
home and in shul melodies. |
 | Various melodies by Roni Eisenmann
at home |
 | Recordings by rabbi Jo van Gelder,
Utrecht (various Zemirot and Shir Hamaalot, kadish and Duchan for Rechalim,
some Jigdal melodies, some Rosh Hasjana and Kol Nidre melodies: full
recording and indexed) |
 | Three recordings by an unknown chazzan in the 1980's. The origin of this
recording is The Hague, indicating that the chazzan was either local, or
visiting often.
 | Rosh Hashana recordings by rabbi Ies Vorst, side1
and side 2 |
 | Wim van Dijk, Groningen melody, sung by J
Cohen in Rotterdam:
על חטא
שחטאנו |
 | Maurits Brilleslijper, 2nd chazzan and shamash of the Obrecht synagoge,
ברכות |
 | Eliezer Schaap collection: Shir Hamaalot
melodies for the holidays, various melodies including shofar blowing, explanation
of the Dutch name for it "Tetschen" and a hupa mainly by chazzan
Mossel |
 | Pesukim
and berachot
Shofar, rabbi S. Spiero |
 | Mincha and Maariv
for weekdays by F. Jacobs |