CD |
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Chazzanut Groningen - Daniel
We got permission from the copyright holders to publish this CD.
Stern music Groningen, see sheet music
on this site

Kol Jehudah
This CD has 15 recordings, from which 13 belong to the Stern collection
Kol Jehuda.
Unfortunately we did not manage to get permission to add these recordings
to the site, which is a pity, because it has five melodies from the Stern
collection which have not be recorded by Seijffers
or Cothof.

See list of
recordings with reference to the Stern sheet music and to recordings,
where applicable.

Amsterdam Chazzanut pre ww2
16 recordings on CD "Chazzanoet in vooroorlogs joods Amsterdam".
This CD is published with the consent of the copyright holder, the Jewish Historical
Museum of Amsterdam. Origin of the recording can be found in the back of
the booklet.

See all recordings on the web
